Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A scary night!!!

I've been so busy and have had no access to the net - sorry for not having posted!!!

Friday Novmeber 13, 2009
After a busy three days getting to know the ropes at the human rights office my first weekend here I decided with a few others to go to see Wli Falls. Of course the first thing that entered my mind was that Jason isnt here with me to experience this! He would love it!
The journey there was about 5 hours, a taxi, two different tro-tros and another taxi. Having gotten back late from a mission we were sent on in the morning we left Accra late and therefore ended up travelling in the night. This was the most terrifying experience of my life - have never been more scared. Everything went wrong - we had to wait for the tro tro to fill up (waited in a crowded station/market place) here the ladies come up to you window and sell their product - a neat thing to experience actually (see picture). Then after that journey (4hours) when the time came to take the taxi, no driver knew how to get to our lodge. I have never been so scared - honest i cant even describe it. 9pm in a little village, the streets lined with people, fires burning on the sides of the roads, people swarming you to buy food, every driver pushing you to drive with them, no lights anywhere except from the fires and the candles burning on vendor booths. I will never again be stuck travelling in the dark. At least if Jason was there with me I would have felt much more secure and safe - when you are alone essentially with 4 other girls it's a very scary situation to be in. Thankfully, after getting a tro to take us to the lodge (which was a 30min drive), literally "in the bush" (cant classify it a road)- no lights, in a tro jammed packed with people, and our seats in the back row were not securely screwed to the floor thus over ever pot hole our seats would lift up off the ground, speeding then slamming on the breaks for each pot hole - and I could go on!!! FINALLY we arrived at the Lodge. I cant describe the feeling/sense of relief I had once arriving. I then joined my other friends (whom I was sharing a room with and had arrived earlier). Finally I felt safe and in no danger.

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