What a privilege it has been living in Ghana, working with and getting to know Ghanaian people, culture and way of life. I would not have traded this life changing, eye opening experience for anything – I am so bless to have had this opportunity.
While I can only hope that the children I met and interacted with here in Ghana did indeed benefited in some small way from my presence and work, I thank them deeply for what they gave to me. Their charm, enthusiasm, ray of hope and faith won over my heart.
I’ll miss the call of “Miss Canada” or “Natalia” from the children I passed each and every day as I walked to work, the little faces that peeked out of classroom windows during each and every school visit and the one on one conversations I had with children hearing about them, their life, their story, their struggles, hopes and dreams for the future. It is these callings, these little faces and these stories that ground me, keep me humble and inspire me each and every day.
I ask everyone to not take for granted all we have, as items such as food, water, medical care, and the notion of opportunity are present in our lives daily. Availability and access to clean and safe drinking water and food is not the reality for many in developing nations. Nor is basic education. Medicine too is most often not available in moments of sickness and medical care in emergency situations is not a phone call away.
I thank you children of Ghana for all you gave to me. Having gained a much greater and richer understanding of Ghanaian culture and way of life, I am far better able to assist with efforts to improve quality of life and quality of education for children in Ghana. With the sound of their little voices in my head, and pictures of their charming faces in my mind, I hope to do just that.